
the author

七字辈 男 体重64公斤 身高175公分 O血型,白羊座 喜欢躺着看书,画画,发白日梦 被妮古拉认为是相当于怠惰的人 也喜欢春天的气息,野狗和花草 不喜欢考试,包丽珑饭盒和政府 从事建筑设计的工作 和友人经营一个图书馆 已婚 和妮古拉 一只叫黄姜的猫 住在库拉屋 位于 太阳之东和月亮之西 之间

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

甜甜圈的圈套-the entrapment of doughnut


“那么说, 刚在那半块甜甜圈?”我反问。
“Now do you understand?” she asked.

“How about the half doughnut I just ate?” I asked in return.


“或许和他分手的原因, 和这事有关也说不定。”她侧着头望向那渐行渐远的巨兽背影。
“Actually I was about to stop you.” Her eye winked.

“May be the reason why I broke up with him has got something to do with this.” She turned and looked at the back of the departing giant outside the window.

“你相信这传闻吗?”我问, 然后把剩下逐渐变冷卡布其诺喝完。
“Do you believe in this myth?” I asked, and finished up the already starting to cool off cappuccino.

她看着窗外许久, 有些凋零的眼神,沉默不语。
She was staring outside the window for a long time. The eyes were slightly waned, she remained silent.

hipodamus' copyright reserved

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