
the author

七字辈 男 体重64公斤 身高175公分 O血型,白羊座 喜欢躺着看书,画画,发白日梦 被妮古拉认为是相当于怠惰的人 也喜欢春天的气息,野狗和花草 不喜欢考试,包丽珑饭盒和政府 从事建筑设计的工作 和友人经营一个图书馆 已婚 和妮古拉 一只叫黄姜的猫 住在库拉屋 位于 太阳之东和月亮之西 之间

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

甜甜圈的诱惑 - the seduction of doughnut

她约我出来, 我应约了,她是我好朋友的前女友。
She invited me for a tea, and I agreed. She is my best friend’s ex-girlfriend.

I wore a khakis colour long sleeves shirt, ironed it straight and stiff like an air craft run-way ready to take off, the way I liked it. Poured some biscuits into Ginger Tea’s plastic bowl, as usual the cat was no place to be seen.

When I was about to leave the doorway, I decided to wear the silver watch which dad had left for me and with some hesitations, I left the supposed –to-give-to-her Christmas present at home


I arrived at 5.30pm sharp. She was, as she always was, waiting for me at the place next to the window, the corner we both liked.
On the table, there were two cup of cappuccino and half a donut. One of the cappuccino must be mine, a conclusion based on the deduction method I made with my left foot toe.


She was much more attractive and charming then the last time we met. However, there was this warm feeling of her, without obvious reason, fading gradually.

I nodded at her and sit at the opposite of her.
The half donut was as seducing as its’ owner.


I did not know what to talk about. It was her, who invited me out for a drink after all.

I could not even remember if there were any impressive mutual topics we both shared.

Without asking, I took the half donut and put into my mouth.

Suddenly, I thought of the affair in between them, an affair that best kept untold.

hipodamus' copyright reserved

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