
the author

七字辈 男 体重64公斤 身高175公分 O血型,白羊座 喜欢躺着看书,画画,发白日梦 被妮古拉认为是相当于怠惰的人 也喜欢春天的气息,野狗和花草 不喜欢考试,包丽珑饭盒和政府 从事建筑设计的工作 和友人经营一个图书馆 已婚 和妮古拉 一只叫黄姜的猫 住在库拉屋 位于 太阳之东和月亮之西 之间

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hipodamus was standing at the empty lot of land by the road when i first saw him. "Are u free? i have a great story for you..." said Hipodamus. I noticed him holding a cat-in-spirit and two zongzis.I said great! I have been out of job for some times. The zongzis dangling from his hand definetly looked delicious.In just a moment,
Cat-in-spirit had brew a jug of jasmine tea,
Hipodamus skillfully massaged my stiff shoulder,
I had sharpen my pencil and waiting...

'Are we ready?'
Hipodamus asked
'Let's get started' said me.
(or zong) is a traditional Chinese food, made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves

(c) 2009 Hipodamus, All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


oh! what a lonely sea bird!
Hur! Not going fishing today? Anyway, there isn't much fish during this season! For me? I just want to stay alone in the middle of the sea, there is this unfinished poem that i did last night, mm...still need to do some thinking!
Maybe, you can help me to complete this poem! You don't have to do anything infact, just like now, with me, enjoying this morning sea breeze and sunlight
Let's start! This is a poem about lonelyness that filled with fun...

Hold on there.... you are here not because of my fame?

hipodamus' copyright reserved